
Apparently some Marvel fans are upset that there will be a female iteration of Thor.

Some of the things they've been saying: "Feminists ruin everything!" and "There is no evidence anywhere in the old literature that Thor was ever female."

While I personally would prefer a spinoff with a separate Norse goddess (I nominate Skadi if you want a warrior chick), I have one thing to say to the above criticisms:

Thor dressed up in a fucking WEDDING DRESS to get his hammer back from the Jotnar, you illiterate n00bs! >:( Word.

Sure, Thor wasn't comfortable dressing in drag for the duration of the adventure, couldn't act the part of a woman convincingly, and without "handmaiden" Loki to save his ass the ruse wouldn't have worked...


He was in a wedding dress, dammit.

I give up. I'm a total stick in the mud anyway because frankly (and I know this is going to piss off a lot of people) I don't like Marvel Thor. Or Marvel Loki or anything Marvel about the Norse universe and fandom.

I've read and loved this whole cycle of myths since childhood. It's hard for me to accept a puerile watered-down superhero franchise, replete with never-ending Hollywood sequels and innacurate fan art of the Aesir gods. ;)

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